About us

Hello and welcome to our freedom story.

In August 2019 we packed up our house, sold most of our furniture and moved into a caravan. Later that month we flew to Europe for a six week journey though London, France, Italy, Germany and Dubai. 2 adults, 2 kids and 4 backpacks. We returned to our new home in a caravan and have been living in it since.

We are trying to make this a lifestyle rather than a 12 month trip, so when we do decide to return to our house we can continue to live life on our terms rather than the usual 9 to 5. We are business owners as well as adventurers and parents, sometimes it is hard to navigate all of the above but we are committed to living life on our terms.

4 months before our trip started we were reopening one of our stores after having it flooded in the 2019 Townsville Floods. 3 months before it started we were selling one of our other stores. 8 months before our trip we were opening a 3rd store, our lives move fast and sometimes we struggle to remember all we have managed to see, do and achieve. Hopefully one day we can look back on this page and be proud of the life we lived. Feel free to follow along!